Step 1 – Attend club activities
Interested individuals are asked to attend club activities. This will give prospective raisers and sitters a chance to see puppy training in progress, speak with other members, and become more familiar with the club. Our homepage has a calendar of upcoming events.
Step 2 – Fill Out an Application
After attending a few club activities, a prospective member is given an application from Guide Dogs for the Blind. This application can include puppy sitting and puppy raising. All members of the family (including children over age 10) are required to sign the application, indicating they are willing to comply with Guide Dogs for the Blind regulations for their puppies.

Step 3 – Home visit
After filling out the application, you can schedule a home visit with one of the club leaders. This will include meeting other household pets and perhaps offering recommendations on preparing the home for a guide dog puppy.
Step 4 – Puppy sitting
Once your application has been received and your home visit is complete, you're ready to puppy sit! Puppy sitters are required to take a puppy to all scheduled training meetings while a puppy is in their care. This is a great way to meet puppies of various ages, temperaments, and personalities.
Step 5 - Tell a Leader You're Ready
When you're ready to jump in with both feet, let one of our leaders know. They will let Guide Dogs for the Blind know that you're ready, and they will start looking for a puppy match for you.
Step 6 - Wait for your Puppy
Now you can sit back, relax, and eagerly await the arrival of your new 4-legged friend. Continue attending meetings and learning about the training for our puppies. Your new charge will be here before you know it!
Note: All determinations regarding readiness to puppy sit and raise a guide dog puppy are at the discretion of Guide Dogs for the Blind and the leaders.